Best Apps for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning difficulties across the world and it’s estimated that one in every 10 of us are affected with the condition to some degree. Dyslexia causes issues with reading, writing, and spelling, which makes the typical academic experience for dyslexics a very poor one. What’s more, is without a general grounding and suitable basic education, the problems associated with dyslexia will reach far into adulthood and compromise the quality of life for many sufferers. It’s time to end this sort of stigma and alienation now.
Fortunately, there are a variety of different apps that help with the educational experience for those with dyslexia. Making the reading and writing experience easier to come to terms with is something that dyslexic students and adults typically wish to see happen, which is fortunately exactly what’s available on the market today. The following are great considerations to add to your phone right now if your life is being affected by dyslexia:
Those with Android devices will find Books to be one of the best apps for taking in texts on mobile devices for dyslexics. The app features a spoken word option that reads texts aloud with highlighting on screen, which allows students and adults to follow the text as it is being read to them and gain more confidence with both the written and spoken word as time goes on. It’s certainly not the only option to offer text to speech built into an e-reader, but it is one of the most widely integrated apps with and purpose-built library of books and magazines ready for users to download immediately. Google Play Books also provides generic support for other file types outside of its native format, which allows cross compatibility with several other document types. It is a good all-in-one solution when it comes to reading.
Dragon Dictation
The complimentary app for Google Play Books on iOS is Dragon Dictation. In addition to having texts being read to them and synchronized highlighting appearing on the screen, students and adults are also able to record themselves speaking and converts their speech into text. This may prove particularly useful for essay writing when grammar and articulation are otherwise unaffected in a dyslexic student or adult. It’ll certainly make homework much easier and quicker in the long run, too.
When writing is primarily affected in dyslexic students, the added stress of having to add academic references and citations is just another hurdle that needs to be climbed and there are few dyslexic students who are able to come to terms with the process in time. Fortunately, this free online utility can be bookmarked from a phone in order to add the correct footnotes and references to any text and eliminate the strain of having to follow rigid academic guidelines. It certainly proves useful for non-disabled students as well because anyone who is struggling with any particular citation guideline will be able to insert them into their essays with ease.
Pocket is a convenient app that allows students to save particularly useful web articles into one single directory of links, then retrieve those links later from another Pocket-enabled device. This allows dyslexic students to find articles on the fly from convenient locations for them, then be able to perform whatever work is necessary to complete their projects at another location elsewhere. It also provides native text-to-speech functionality that makes accessing the material contained in web articles far easier.
Whisper Synch
Students are increasingly being exposed to the Amazon Kindle and other e-readers, but this doesn’t help the issue of digesting text from digital sources. While text to speech is present on many e-readers the Kindle doesn’t provide this as native support, which is where Whisper Synch comes into play. The app allows students and adults alike to download Kindle books and convert them into digital audio files, which basically turns any book into an audiobook for those who’d prefer to listen to their text rather than read it. It doesn’t replace the file altogether though. Users are free to switch back to their text as and when necessary.
There are plenty of different options when it comes to making the written word far more accessible for those with learning difficulties like dyslexia. The digital age today has made content far easier to come to terms with and is continually making strides on a regular basis to serve the wider community. While we’re still quite a long way from having text in an immediately digestible form without any sort of interaction on our parts, we’re certainly much closer than we’ve ever been today by having text converted into ways that are more convenient and useful to us: like the text to speech functionality contained in many of these apps. They’re well-worth considering adding to your devices today!
The preceding reviews have been provided by the tech team at